It is only Wednesday and so far this week I've talked to a variety of people.
I've talked to someone who recently got out of jail for domestic violence. I talked to a few children who have been sexually and physically abused and neglected. I've talked to well educated people. I've talked to an autistic boy whose main concern is watching the beginning of videos and playing them repeatedly. I've talked to a woman whose relative is close to death. I've talked to an 11 year old who has been so abused and neglected that she trusts nobody on the planet. I've also talked to a few arrogant people and people with bad attitudes. I've hugged and comforted a few crying children. I've spent some time crying myself, and praying.
On the flip side, I watched just born monarch butterflies released into nature, flying high and free. I've seen two miniature horses brighten the day of several small children. I've seen a 20 month old screech with delight and wave "bye bye" as he was getting ready for a nap. I've walked a dog whose mere presence makes me smile. A friend helped me out this week. I've felt a nice cool breeze coming in my window in the very early hours of the morning. I heard a song I liked on the local Christian radio station. I've received the body and blood of Jesus at Mass.
All this, and it is only the very end of Wednesday. It just goes to show you that you never know what is going to happen after you get out of bed in the morning.