"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Aug 10, 2010

Jesus is my co-pilot, and my handyman!

When I am really beside myself with home repairs in my little fixer upper I pray. Tonight I got home and it ws 83 degrees inside, so I turned on my central AC - one of the perks of saying yes to this house that needs so much work.

The AC did not go on. I waited and tried again. Nothing. I was bummed because the last thing I need is another expense if you know what I mean. So, I talked to Jesus and asked him to help me. I reminded Him that He and I were in this house together and that I needed his help. I also asked any saint in Heaven who knew anything about AC. I put my hand on the controls / thermostat thingamagig and prayed. I thought of having the faith of a mustard seed and how faith can move mountains. So surely it could move the AC to go on. And then I trusted.

I went into this room to turn on my computer and TA DA !!!! My AC kicked on !!!
So I thanked Jesus big time and said a "Lord's Prayer" and I am certainly " Cool and Catholic" at this very moment !

Call me goofy if you want but I don't care! I prayed. I trusted. Jesus blessed me. Need I say more? I don't think so !