"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Nov 8, 2010

It is usually dark this time of night...

The last couple of nights I've been walking a little dog after dark, thanks to the time change. It is quite deserted this time of year in the area where we walk. Normally I don't get nervous of the dark, but the last few nights with no moon and no people, it has gotten a little creepy. Plus it has been windy and rainy so that just makes more sounds that sound "other worldly" in a rather scary way.

This little dog would try and protect me should a problem arise if she had to, but given the chance, I think she might also run away before I would!

So I say the prayer of St. Michael as we are walking. I have a big flashlight too. Tonight though it was dark, rainy, and cold...and I suppose I had a few moments of a tiny bit of fear. Luckily I don't watch horror movies or I think I really would have been freaked out a couple of times. I just assume that the sounds in the wooded areas are real animals and not a mass murderer. LOL! The other night we saw a fox and smelled a skunk. One night the water was calm as a black mirror, but tonight it was raging and knocking the portable docks around. It sounded violent.

Anyway, I bring this up because I know God is always watching over me and sending angels to protect me. And when I'm not nervous, it is a beautiful deserted place to have all to ourselves - just me and the dog. It is peaceful and solitary on most nights, and I can talk to the dog and God outloud and there is nobody to stare at me doing that.