I just realized that I have been writing this blog for just about a year. WOW. I started this blog about a week or two after getting my gall bladder yanked out of me. I was recuperating from that surgery when I started it.
So much has changed in that time. The best change has to do with my health. I feel stronger and better now than I have in quite a few years. Thank you Jesus for that BIG TIME. I still have to lose some poundage, but that isn't too bad.
Most of the other changes have been negative. There really isn't much that I am enthussed about in my life right now. Everyday presents its own struggles and I move on. In addition, our world is going to Hell in a handbasket,as they say. Wars in the middle easter, Tsunamis, earthquakes, nuclear meltdowns and floods abound. My own Catholic church worldwide is being attacked from within by the vilest of evils. Families are being destroyed. The world's economy is tanking and prices are going sky high. Abortion continues. Sin abounds especially in those who don't think sin exists anymore.
All these things have changed since last year. My soul is more fragile than ever. I fall on my knees frequently and try to pray. I know I am in God's presence, but I don't really hear His replies.
Still, I am trying to trust, to be brave, to be patient. My faith tells me there is hope.
A year of blogs is an accomplishment. I hope that some blogs helped others, or at least gave them company. I hope some were blessings. I know it feels good for me to let things out this way - to write my thoughts, opinions, confusions, wonderings and ponderings.
I don't know if anyone is reading this, but perhaps I'm not meant to know. That is okay too.