Jun 19, 2013
A Message from God
Here is a true story that has been entrusted to me: Many years ago two friends went to Montreal, Canada - to St. Joseph's cathedral. If you've ever been there you know that the Cathedral is on top of a huge hill. One friend was resting at the bottom of the hill in the pilgrim's house where they were staying, and the other went up to the Cathedral. Along the way she found a path to the Stations of the Cross that was to the left of the Cathedral and took it.
She didn't have any written Stations of the Cross prayers with her, so she made up her own prayers as she went. She was all alone on the path. It was a quiet day, blue sky, gentle breeze, perfect temperature. She got to the very top, the final station, and there was a big pool/fountain there. It was about 2' deep. She was at the top of the hill by the dome of the Cathedral. It was so high that small planes were flying just above the dome and she could read the numbers on the sides of the planes.
Anyway, she sat at the edge of a large rectangular pool/fountain and was enjoying the silence. After several minutes she heard someone say "I love you." It was a little louder than a whisper and sounded like it was right behind her. She turned around, thinking that perhaps there was a couple that had appeared, and one was saying "I love you" to the other. Nobody was there. ODD. She turned back around and continued her thoughts and reflections.
A few minutes later again she heard "I love you". She turned around again thinking that perhaps this "couple" was coming up the path and was just beyond the bushes where she couldn't see them. She watched and waited. Nobody came into view. The odd thing was that it sounded like the words were said right behind her, not 10' away behind the bushes. ODD. She turned back around and continued her thoughts and reflections. Totally alone.
Several minutes later again she hears "I love you." This time she spun around really fast - a bit scared and a bit annoyed - because the voice was so close. She looked around. NOBODY was there. Feeling fairly freaked out at this point, she sat back down. She calmed herself, then the rest of the sentence came: "Tell My People that I love them." At that moment, she knew Who it was.
She started crying. After a few minutes she thought that maybe she had lost her mind. I mean this was an AUDIBLE voice and now she was attributing this voice to GOD. Really......who hears God? Moses ! She was certainly no Moses.
She stayed up there quite a while thinking and reflecting and crying. It was an event where you know in your soul that it was truly God speaking. Even today when she closes her eyes, years and years later, she can remember that day as if it were yesterday, or even this very moment. As she reflected she was very aware that the message was not in a male's voice, nor a female's voice, but it was a voice just the same. Soft. Confident. Strong. It resonates within her to this very day.
Anyway.... what did she do with that experience? Well, she went down the big hill. She was supposed to meet her friend for dinner who, at this point, was waiting at the bottom of the hill, worried. She had been gone a very long time - two and a half hours or so. This was before cell phones..... she apologized to her friend because she lost track of the time. Her friend asked what she was doing for so long ( because she was getting really hungry and it was almost passed dinner time ) and so, being that she was one of her best friends on the planet, she blurted out to her exactly what happened at the top of the hill.
Her friend was astounded. When she got to the final comment about telling God's people that He loves them, the friend began to cry. She asked her why she was crying and she said that while she was up the hill and she was resting in the pilgrim's house, she was thinking about their conversations about God on the ride towards Canada . She told her friend that when she was resting in the pilgrim house she was wondering very deeply if God loved her, and then here her friend comes down the hill and blurts out the answer to her question.
Being that she told her friend that God loved her,she thought she had accomplished God's will. Maybe the message was just for her friend? As the days went by she thought about this message she received and realized that God said "People" not "person", so it had to be more than just one person. Since then, at various times in her life, she has felt called to tell certain people specifically that God loves them. It is a simple but profound message.
Why am I sharing this true story with all of you? Maybe because through this story you will come to see that God loves you too. He said so, and God's word will not come back void.