"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jun 29, 2010

The perspective on Purgatory and the lifting up of our suffering

I've been thinking about Purgatory and it seems to me that some people, perhaps most people, might be fearful of Purgatory. The more I think of it, the more I am excited to go there. I think we need to be more fearful of earth rather than Purgatory.

There are more distractions on earth to pull us away from our focus on God. But in Purgatory our souls' focus is to get to Heaven. There are no distractions. It is pure purgation - cleansing our souls and making us ready to enter Heaven. So that is nothing to be afraid of. Sure it might be painful, but I think in some ways earth must be a lot more painful than purgatory. We can lose focus while on earth. We can lose our faith. There are so many things coming against us on earth. Once in Purgatory the soul knows that the next stop is Heaven.

I won't belabor this topic. I just ask you to think about it. Bring it to prayer.

The second thing I've been thinking about is suffering and how it can be dangerous to us if we don't lift it up to Jesus and join it with his suffering on the cross. If we don't lift it up, the suffering and its effects stay with us and it assaults our bodies and souls. But on the other hand, if we take it, but don't hold it, but join it to his passion, then it has redemptive value. That might be part of the problem we have on earth. Perhaps many of us well meaning Christian people willingly take on the suffering given to us each day, and we may even ask to take on the suffering of those we love to spare them the pain, but if we stop there we might get ourselves into trouble. Instead, if we let the suffering pass through us and up to the cross, then we learn from it, become more compassionate from the experience, but then realize that we can't heal it or take it away: that by giving it to Jesus we are dealing with suffering in the correct way. (too long of a sentence I know, but I'm tired.)

These are my thoughts anyway. I hope they are all correct and in line with Jesus' teachings because I don't want to say anything in error. I just want to share my thoughts because if I hold them in my mind I will never fall asleep tonight.

Jun 23, 2010

The harvest is plenty and the laborers are few...

Today I was reminded that there are so many needs in our world and not enough workers.

I think the laborers are few because many people choose to be selfish and shut their ears to the voice of God. who is constantly calling us. Some people don't believe in God or flounder when it comes to seriously following Him. Some talk the talk, but don't walk the walk if you know what I mean. You know the people whose faith in God disappears the minute they drive out of the church parking lot on Sundays? The message doesn't stick in their hearts.

Picture a football stadium full of screaming, healthy, enthusiastic fans. Most have jobs ( they paid for a ticket to get in didn't they? ). Most have time on their hands ( they have time to go to a ball game, don't they? ). A percentage of them probably volunteer their time at their church or through their community to one cause or another. Most, but not all. What if the rest of the people in the stadium also chose to reach out and help their fellow humans? How would the world be different?

What if, every day, everyone who was physically and emotionally able to, went beyond their own little worlds and personal interests and did something good to help someone else?

I read a book once that said we would accomplish so much more in our personal lives if we did just one thing each day towards our own goals - whether business or personal goals? I started doing that. Each day I make a little progress towards some goal.

You know, we can all be philanthropists in God's Kingdom because we all hold some wealth within us. I've discovered that we don't have to be multi-millionaires to be philanthropists. If we have $ 2.00 we can give 20 cents. If we have two apples, we can give one away. If we have two bottles of water, we can give one away or put a small bowl of water outside for the birds to enjoy a drink.

I think it would be a good idea if, when we all get up tomorrow morning, we decided that for just one day we will be "philanthropists for Jesus" - with or without money -with our time or talents. Not even the smallest offering of a gift will be rejected by God.

If we do that, then maybe we will have more laborers for the harvest. These are my thoughts for tonight. Thank you for listening.

Jun 21, 2010

Random thoughts on a very warm summer's night

Do you ever feel that you don't fit in anywhere? I do. Most of the time, as a matter of fact. The one place I do fit in however, is in the palm of God's hand. I know He will always welcome me and will always be glad to see me. There are days when other human beings won't even give me the time of day, but God is always there.

I miss it when I can't spend as much time as I want with Jesus, especially in the Blessed Sacrament. Lately I haven't had as much time and when I have had time, I am restless. My spirit wants to be quiet, but my mind is very active and distractions abound.

Maybe this is happening because summer is here and there are so many more outside things to do. Summer used to be a time of relaxation and rest and fun. The last few summers for me have been very busy with work and commitments. If anything, I am busier in the summer than any other time of year.

But, I am glad that I am fairly healthy and can do a lot of things, so I suppose I shouldn't complain. I have to keep better tabs on my schedule so I can get a little more prayer time and a little more fun in my life.

Jesus, please help me to know your will. Amen.

Jun 18, 2010

Blink ! Twinkle ! Blink !

About 9:30 tonight I went to shut my back door. As I did so, I noticed that in the darkness there were fireflies flitting around. Here and there I would see little flashes of light. I was mesmerized by this all natural light show. I stood there for several minutes and watched.

It is making me think of several things related to my faith. One being that we are called to be lights in the darkness and to let our little lights shine. These fireflies were doing that as a reminder that we have to do the same.

Another way this backyard scene related to my faith was that I was aware of how very dark it was outside, and that is like the world we are in right now in human history. There is a lot of darkness. But when I focused on the fireflies the darkness didn't bother me so much. It is sort of like how we have to focus on Jesus to have some balance. We are called to be people of light, to search for the Light of Christ in our world and to be beacons of light walking into the darkness.

This night time scene was also very beautiful because of the way the fireflies flickered and moved and danced. It was very unique. Our faith is like that. Our faith moves and dances in so many ways. We have beautiful rituals and symbols of faith and light. Just think of the four candles on an Advent wreath. The Easter Candle lit on the Easter Vigil. The candles lit at every Mass. The light of Christ shining through the saints throughout history.

I thank God for that little experience tonight. It was simple, yet profound. I never knew a simple walk to my back door and a gaze out into the yard would evoke such personal reflections.

God can use so many things to remind us that He is with us and working around us. Thank you Jesus. These are my thoughts for this almost summer night.

Jun 16, 2010

The Cost of Living for Jesus

What does living for Jesus cost us in today's world? It costs a lot. We are living in a post-christian era, so to speak. There was a time when our culture (American) used to live inline with Judeo-Christian values. Not any more. Today, bad is good. Sin is non-existant. God is irrelevant to so many people, even to people who call themselves Christian on Sunday mornings and live blatantly sinful lives the rest of the week.

So yes, I do believe, that living for Jesus today costs a lot. I am just one little person on this planet (and getting smaller each day because I lost 16 lbs since January!). I'm really not anybody at all. I go to church. I work. I do errands and chores. I pay bills and try to follow the laws of church and society. I try to be nice to people. I go to confession when I mess up (which sometimes, is very often). That is pretty much my life.

Yet, in my plain old life as no great saint, no great politician, no great person in my own community, living for Jesus costs me a lot. From what I hear on EWTN, and in my prayer life, it will probably cost me, and every true Christian, even more in the coming future.

The question I ask myself is "Am I ready to have it cost even more?". I would like to say Yes. I am enthusiastic for Jesus, but I totally hate pain, so if this "costing a lot" includes physical pain, that is going to be a challenge for me. I would hope God's grace would kick in like it did for Joan of Arc as she was burning on the stake. Otherwise I am always up for a good healthy debate and for defending my faith.

I've even had moments in my life when I've been ridiculed for being a Catholic, or ostracized. Even to this day I encounter those things. I've been picked on for my faith more times than I care to remember. What really hurts is when the rejection happens within the Church itself. But these days, evil gets in just about anywhere, even within the walls of our beloved Church. These are tough times for the world - not only financially amd morally, but also spiritually as well.

It sort of feels to me that the heat is being turned up in the world, and I don't mean global warming, I mean spiritual warming. The battle is raging and that little creep downstairs is mucking things up as much as he can. He is attacking Christians on so many levels - can't you see it? I can. The more I learn to see with the eyes of faith, the more I can see it.

That is why we have to be "prayed up" and filled up with the Eucharist as often as possible. That is why we have to keep our souls as clean as we can. The cost of living for Jesus will only increase as the days increase....so we better start saving our spiritual pennies because the rainy days will become more frequent and the cost of being a follower of Jesus in this world will increase.

These are my thoughts for this evening. Jesus, Mary, and St. Michael, pray for us.

Jun 14, 2010

Got milk ? No, but I've got ideas and lots of them.

Did you ever watch that movie Phenomenon with John Travolta? If so, you will remember that he thought he had an encounter with aliens and then he started thinking up all these wonderful ideas to help people? Then later on he found out he had a rare brain tumor and he died? Yeah, Hollywood...go figure.

Well, except for the brain tumor part (let's hope not), and the aliens, and everything else that doesn't make sense..... I can relate to his character. Why? Because my mind always has ideas flowing through it. Some of the ideas are ho hum but some of them are really good ideas. Sometimes it is hard to keep them to myself.

I don't know why God made me this way. Maybe other people are the same, I don't know. But so many times people tell me that I have so many great ideas. I just don't know what to do with them. Some of them I pass on. Some of them I write down. Some of them I use for myself. If I could find a way to capitalize on them I'd be rich.

If I didn't have to work so hard and so much, I'd have the time to work on them. At any given time I am already working towards fulfilling some of them.

The ONE THING I can't figure out is how to make money with all these ideas. It is wierd because I can think of ways other businesses and charities can make money, and have raised some good cash for some of them, but for myself....well, not so much.

In the mean time, I think and think and think. A friend of mine tells me that I think too much. Perhaps...but thinking is free, so why not ? I might just discover a way to make the world a better place.

I'm just trying to make my life count for something, and maybe one of my ideas will make that happen.

Have a blessed night.

Jun 13, 2010

Oh Pickle Juice !

Christians who use foul language really tick me off. I run into so many Christians, including my very own fellow Catholics, who think it is okay to use God's name in vain as well as other secular vulgar language.

My question is WHY ? Can't they be more creative with their language when they are angry ? How about shouting "PICKLE JUICE", or "GIVE ME A BREAK", or "PINHEAD" or something like that instead of all those other curse words that are so obscene and offensive?

This is how I feel: If someone has a LITTLE education, a LITTLE common sense, a LITTLE common courtesy, a LITTLE professionalism, and a LITTLE Christian blood flowing through their body, there isn't a reason on the planet why a person shouldn't be able to think of something else to shout out when they are angry!

The Bible says that we should not have any foul language at all, yet so many people do and so many people think it is A-OK to do so. Any Christian worth his salt should know better.

This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Have a blessed day and if you are one of these people who curse so much, please bring it to prayer, and ask Jesus to help you to stop and think before you curse and to help you find a different way to express your anger or frustration.

Thank you for listening.

Jun 9, 2010

The peppermint candy boy

Tonight I want to write about a special little one who made my whole day today. I work with kids. There is a 19 month old little boy who was just full of joy today and there was no stopping him. Boy, I really needed some joy too and God sent me this little bundle dressed in a red and white striped one piece outfit. He looked like a little peppermint striped candy.

Anyway, at lunch time he was having the best time eating his macaroni and cheese. He had a spoon and he used it too. He used it to put the mac and cheese all over himself, including his hair. Laughing the entire time. He twirled the spoon in his hair too. Then whenever somebody walked into the room he would squeel with delight as if he received a great Christmas present. Everyone that came in made him all the more happy.

It made me think about the joy of Christ and the simplicity of little children and how easily they are amused by the smallest things. He had all of us laughing and it was virtually impossible to be in that room and be miserable when he was around.

I need to hang around this little one a bit more often. I hope that more of his joy will rub off on me because I've been way too serious and anxious about many things lately.

God uses so many ordinary experiences to teach us things...even a little babe dressed as a peppermint candy.

Jun 8, 2010

Blaming Adam and Eve

I love the liturgical year the church gives us. I really do. It is our spiritual schedule, so to speak.

However there is another schedule that conflicts with the liturgical one and that is our personal schedules. The day to day grind that can conflict with the liturgical year the church gives to us. If you add surprises into the schedule it can get even more hectic.

Sometimes I get angry at Adam and Eve because they messed up paradise for us and as a result we have to live with our fallen natures until the second coming of Jesus! I mean really....I have issues with them.

As a result of their mess up we have to toil all our living days. It is hard to stay focused on "all things Jesus" when the day to day "must dos" get in the way.

I would much rather be involved in doing things like praying more often or totally volunteering my time to help others. But the bills must be paid and responsibilities and commitments must be met.

I know part of the trick is to make each moment of the day into a spiritual opportunity to do good and to be a witness. I know that. But sometimes when I am in the thick of it all, that can be forgotten. That is when weariness sets in.

Scripture says to "be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect". Someone once told me that the exact translation isn't the word perfect, but compassionate. Either way, it is darn near impossible without divine intervention.

So I toil on. I get up with the alarm and march on until very late into the evening and then I go to sleep. But some days I'd like to get Adam and Eve in a room and give them a good talking too! Do they realize how much they messed things up for the rest of us?

Anyway, that is what I am thinking about at this moment so I decided to share it with all of you in my Blog land.

Jun 6, 2010

Our Lady of Fatima and Me

Last night I attended a special Mass and procession focused on Our Lady of Fatima.

I haven't been to Fatima Portugal yet, but it is on my "to do" list. I feel that at some point in my life I must go there. Our Lady of Fatima has been popping up in my life for many years now and I feel called to go there. Some how God will make a way.

I have a special connection to Our Lady of Fatima. Let me explain: years ago I was one of the leaders for a young adult group. We helped put on a conference on Mary at the local High school. We had an author as one of the speakers. His name escapes me now, but anyway, he was instrumental in getting her into my life.

In his search to learn all about Marion apparitions, he went to Fatima and he interviewed St. Lucia, one of the visionaries. Of course, she was very much an adult by that time - late 1980's. He explained to one of our leaders that when he was leaving his interview time with Sr. Lucia, she gave him an enlarged photo of the statue that was made of the vision of Our Lady of Fatima. This photo was hanging in her convent. She told him that God told her she would know who to give it to when it was time. When she gave it to him she told him that it wasn't for him, but that he was to bring it back to the United States and he would know who to give it to. So he did.

This author had gone on a speaking tour around the USA. Our conference was one of his stops. (I want to say his name was George Weigel, but maybe it wasn't him.) When the conference was partly over he called over one of our leaders and told her the story of how he got this really big picture. The picture was in the trunk of his car. She was amazed by the story. Then he told her that he has been carrying this around for months and he knew at that moment that she was the one who was supposed to have it. Now she was really amazed!

She put the picture in a special place. At the end of the conference she went to retrieve it to bring it home and it was gone. It was nowhere to be found. So, she figured that if God wanted her to have it back, she would get it back. Two weeks or so had gone by and there was a knock on her door. The person was someone she knew from church and they had the picture with them. They asked her if it was hers and she said yes and was glad to have it back. They asked her where she got it because ever since ths special picture was in their home, various miracles happened. She told them the story of the picture and it made sense to them.

So after they left, she was there with the picture. She brought it to the young adult group and we all agreed that we should each take turns having this picture in our homes and then we would decide what to do with it after that. So we did.

One night, several weeks later, I was home about 10 PM. One of the young adults came by and gave it to me. I was the last one on the list and now it was my turn to have it for a week. I lived in a small basement apartment at the time. I really wasn't sure what to do with it so I called a friend - you know, one of those friends who know everything! He told me to put it in a place of honor and said he would bring flowers to put beside it. I also planned a little open house for the following Saturday so people could come see it. I didn't really have a "place of honor" so I propped it on a chair with a cloth under it and my friend brought the flowers.

I let lots of people know about the open house. On that Saturday it was nice to see so many people coming and viewing the picture. Some people venerated it. Some prayed a rosary. We did lots of sharing during the course of the day. It was really special. Then I gave it back to the person it was given to.

Ever since that, at various times of my life, Our Lady of Fatima will cross my path - whether it be an image, a prayer card, a story shared, a statue in a church, and last night via the procession. I strongly feel that Our Lady of Fatima wants to tell me something either through the messages she brought to the children, or something special just for me. In any case, I do want to go to Fatima in person.

I don't know who has the picture now. It was about 18" x 24" or larger, framed. Perhaps it will cross my path again, along with the blessings it brings.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Jun 4, 2010

Two birds on a cross

Today, as I was leaving my little Catholic Church, the bells were ringing. It was really nice. I looked up at the bell tower and above the steeple is our cross. On each arm of the cross sat a little bird. It was just like they were sitting there enjoying the bells ( the bells were playing a hymn ).

I sat and watched them and wondered what they know about their Creator. Did they know they were resting on the arms of a holy cross? Did they know they were staring down at a church?

It made me think of all of God's creation. We, as humans, have a mind and we can think and reason and make judgements. Perhaps the animals in the world can't do all of that, at least not in the same way we can, but we still don't know what they are fully capable of. I've read articles that state how parrots have the inteligence and understanding of a 2 - 5 year old human being.

But all in all, today I saw the birds resting on the arms of the cross and I thought...I need to rest close to the cross too. I need to take more time to listen to the bells and to just be around God and all that God wants to show me.

These are my thoughts for tonight...

Jun 1, 2010

Seasons of spiritual growth

The seasons change. We have winter, spring, summer, fall. Each season brings with it its own delights and struggles. Snow is beautiful, but it is a bear to drive through. Spring is nice with all the new growth and warmer temps, but we have mud and mosquitoes to deal with. Summer is warm and healing, but we can also get sunburned and overheated. Fall is gorgeous with the colored leaves, but the days get shorter and we start to hibernate more in the colder weather.

So it is with the spiritual life. Each season brings with it newness of growth and various delights, but there are times of dark nights of the soul, times of spiritual attack by the enemy, and times of struggles as we grow.

Sometimes we are like fallow fields and we lay barren with seemingly nothing to offer the world. Sometimes we are like a lake soaking up the spring rains and refreshing everyone who comes near us. Sometimes we are full of life like a sprouting garden. Sometimes we are open like a flower accepting a humingbird. Sometimes we are like a quiet summer night, just resting in the arms of God. Sometimes our breath becomes a conduit for the breath of the Holy Spirit and we breathe blessings out to the world.

The only difference between the seasons on the earth with the seasons in the spiritual life, is that one is fairly regular with a monthly calendar and the other is not. We have the liturgical year and that helps, but our personal journies and cycles of growth can be rather haphazrd depending on so many variables: our heatlh, our family, our parish family, our work places, our friendships, our schedules, our commitment to prayer and our relationship with Jesus, and the attacks the evil one throws at us.

Because our spiritual lives can vary so much I think it is important that, as much as possible, we keep a spiritual routine. You know, daily Mass if possible, daily prayer, scripture reading, other spiritual reading, spiritual conversations, and I also think something that is important is to surround our living space with spiritual art, symbols, and reminders of our faith.

For me what helps, is that I have a small bulletin board at work where I tack prayers. I also have a simple rosary hanging on the wall, and a bible on my bookshelf. These things remind me of who I am and to whom I belong when I am in the middle of a hectic work day.

These are my thoughts for today. I hope they encourage you in some way and also make you think a little. Thank you for listening.