About 9:30 tonight I went to shut my back door. As I did so, I noticed that in the darkness there were fireflies flitting around. Here and there I would see little flashes of light. I was mesmerized by this all natural light show. I stood there for several minutes and watched.
It is making me think of several things related to my faith. One being that we are called to be lights in the darkness and to let our little lights shine. These fireflies were doing that as a reminder that we have to do the same.
Another way this backyard scene related to my faith was that I was aware of how very dark it was outside, and that is like the world we are in right now in human history. There is a lot of darkness. But when I focused on the fireflies the darkness didn't bother me so much. It is sort of like how we have to focus on Jesus to have some balance. We are called to be people of light, to search for the Light of Christ in our world and to be beacons of light walking into the darkness.
This night time scene was also very beautiful because of the way the fireflies flickered and moved and danced. It was very unique. Our faith is like that. Our faith moves and dances in so many ways. We have beautiful rituals and symbols of faith and light. Just think of the four candles on an Advent wreath. The Easter Candle lit on the Easter Vigil. The candles lit at every Mass. The light of Christ shining through the saints throughout history.
I thank God for that little experience tonight. It was simple, yet profound. I never knew a simple walk to my back door and a gaze out into the yard would evoke such personal reflections.
God can use so many things to remind us that He is with us and working around us. Thank you Jesus. These are my thoughts for this almost summer night.