Last night I attended a special Mass and procession focused on Our Lady of Fatima.
I haven't been to Fatima Portugal yet, but it is on my "to do" list. I feel that at some point in my life I must go there. Our Lady of Fatima has been popping up in my life for many years now and I feel called to go there. Some how God will make a way.
I have a special connection to Our Lady of Fatima. Let me explain: years ago I was one of the leaders for a young adult group. We helped put on a conference on Mary at the local High school. We had an author as one of the speakers. His name escapes me now, but anyway, he was instrumental in getting her into my life.
In his search to learn all about Marion apparitions, he went to Fatima and he interviewed St. Lucia, one of the visionaries. Of course, she was very much an adult by that time - late 1980's. He explained to one of our leaders that when he was leaving his interview time with Sr. Lucia, she gave him an enlarged photo of the statue that was made of the vision of Our Lady of Fatima. This photo was hanging in her convent. She told him that God told her she would know who to give it to when it was time. When she gave it to him she told him that it wasn't for him, but that he was to bring it back to the United States and he would know who to give it to. So he did.
This author had gone on a speaking tour around the USA. Our conference was one of his stops. (I want to say his name was George Weigel, but maybe it wasn't him.) When the conference was partly over he called over one of our leaders and told her the story of how he got this really big picture. The picture was in the trunk of his car. She was amazed by the story. Then he told her that he has been carrying this around for months and he knew at that moment that she was the one who was supposed to have it. Now she was really amazed!
She put the picture in a special place. At the end of the conference she went to retrieve it to bring it home and it was gone. It was nowhere to be found. So, she figured that if God wanted her to have it back, she would get it back. Two weeks or so had gone by and there was a knock on her door. The person was someone she knew from church and they had the picture with them. They asked her if it was hers and she said yes and was glad to have it back. They asked her where she got it because ever since ths special picture was in their home, various miracles happened. She told them the story of the picture and it made sense to them.
So after they left, she was there with the picture. She brought it to the young adult group and we all agreed that we should each take turns having this picture in our homes and then we would decide what to do with it after that. So we did.
One night, several weeks later, I was home about 10 PM. One of the young adults came by and gave it to me. I was the last one on the list and now it was my turn to have it for a week. I lived in a small basement apartment at the time. I really wasn't sure what to do with it so I called a friend - you know, one of those friends who know everything! He told me to put it in a place of honor and said he would bring flowers to put beside it. I also planned a little open house for the following Saturday so people could come see it. I didn't really have a "place of honor" so I propped it on a chair with a cloth under it and my friend brought the flowers.
I let lots of people know about the open house. On that Saturday it was nice to see so many people coming and viewing the picture. Some people venerated it. Some prayed a rosary. We did lots of sharing during the course of the day. It was really special. Then I gave it back to the person it was given to.
Ever since that, at various times of my life, Our Lady of Fatima will cross my path - whether it be an image, a prayer card, a story shared, a statue in a church, and last night via the procession. I strongly feel that Our Lady of Fatima wants to tell me something either through the messages she brought to the children, or something special just for me. In any case, I do want to go to Fatima in person.
I don't know who has the picture now. It was about 18" x 24" or larger, framed. Perhaps it will cross my path again, along with the blessings it brings.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.