"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Aug 19, 2011

A rose is a rose is a ROSE from Heaven

Have you heard how sometimes people are graced with the scent of Heavenly roses? Well, tonight I want to share that I have experienced that grace from time to time.

Why do I bring it up now? Well, that is becuase late this afternoon I was in my little Catholic Church praying the rosary, and out of the blue, the scent of roses filled my nostrils. It was unmistakably roses.

I will share with you two other times this happened to me. One time, years ago, I was alone in my car driving in Vermont. It was winter. Snow was everywhere. Summer was only a distant memory. All the car windows were closed. I had the radio on. I wasn't thinking of anything "religious" per se and was listening to the radio. After some time I started talking to Jesus. All of a sudden the car filled with the wonderful aroma of roses. Again, unmistakably, they were roses. It was incredible. I opened the car window just to double check that perhaps there was some sort of rose smell outside, but it was just clean Vermont winter air. Closed the windows again, and .... roses !

I will share with you another story. I was in Medjugorje, Yugoslavia. It was the first night there. Many of us were in the parish church just prior to the time of Mary's apparition. I was sitting part way back in the church, on the right side. There was a break in the pews and so I had maybe five or six feet in front of me (that is how I remember it anyway). Everyone was praying the rosary. I didn't have a kneeler in front of me due to the space between the pews. I closed my eyes and prayed. A little bit into the prayer time it felt as if someone pushed my head down and right into a huge bouquet of roses. It startled me so much that I opened my eyes to see if that had actually happened, but nothing was in front of me. I sat there and continued to experience the fragrance. This fragrance happened exactly at the time that the apparation of Mary was happening up in the tower ( we were in the church, like I said ).

I think the fragrance of roses must be a consolation from God. The roses I smelled this evening lasted for maybe three minutes or so. I was inside the church. No roses present. Windows were closed as the AC was on so it is not like a whiff of it could come in from a rose bush outside.

I had a rough week at work and it is Friday. ..... Maybe Mary or Jesus thought I deserved a little reminder that they were close to me. I've experienced this scent at various times throughout my life, but it is not like it happens all the time and it is not like I wish it upon myself or psychosomatically think it is real. When it happens, it comes out of no where and I am certainly not thinking "oh I wish I could smell roses right now". It always takes me by surprise.

Why did I share that tonight ? I dunno.... felt like it I guess....... have a good night. I always wonder though.....does this fragrance mean that Mary is there or is it St. Therese? Maybe both?