"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Aug 27, 2011

These times we are experiencing....

This is what I want to say tonight:

This afternoon while I was praying in church before Mass I was reflecting on the times we are living in and all the crazy things that are happening in the world: earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, immorality, perversions of every kind, disregard for fellow human beings, unbelief in the reality of sin, the disregard for God, a sense of entitlement, rampant abuses of self and others, and so much more....

I was thinking of the book a read a few months ago on chastisements and wondering if that is what is happening now and wondering, as a friend said, the chastisements are a manifestation of God's anger at humanity for our sinfulness. While I was pondering this, Jesus seemed to say to me that what is happening is not a result of his anger. He loves us. He is allowing this because, as a loving Father, he is using it to discipline his children. These situations are starting to force people to think about their lives and the state of the world. They are meant as a " wake up call". Some will wake up while some will continue sleeping. God loves us. Because the weeds co-exists with the wheat, even though the lessons may be for those who are weeds, the wheat feel it too because the weeds and the wheat are all mixed together. What is meant for one (weeds) affects the other (wheat).

So, in essence, while, if this is a time of chastisements, they will pass once they accomplish their goal: to give a wake up call and bring humanity ( God's children ) back in line. In the end, these rough times will have been a blessing in disguise for those who listen, pray, and work at transforming their lives.