Today I am sighing because I am waiting for our church leaders, clergy and lay alike, to rise up and speak with courage. Yes, the bishops are speaking about the HHS Mandate and they are probably doing things behind the scenes. But I haven't heard much about it in the local parishes I've attended within the last month. It doesn't seem to be such a big deal in the local church.
It seems to me that daily little happenings take presidence over the bigger dangers that lurk just outside the church doors - like a fire breathing dragon waiting to destroy the church. Yes, the gates of hell will never prevail against the church, but they will push and shove and try and in the process, some will be lost. We need to minimize the casualties.
And so tonight I ask...where is the strong leadership we need? Why are some leaders acting like there is nothing going on? Do they not see the domino effect here....that once Obama's administration makes this happen, that it will affect many other things within the church as well?
I do not say this to criticize.....well, maybe I do. I don't know. Maybe I am the dumb one? Maybe they are all doing things behind the scenes to take care of us lowly sheep who are blinded by our culture? Or maybe they are not doing anything and they are as blind as the sheep?
How come what the bishops are doing is not trickling down to the local parishes? The first week or two there was talk about this, now there doesn't seem to be anything said.
Truly we are like a lobster in a pot of warm water that is getting hotter. Slowly we are cooking and dying and many are not even aware of it.
So, what do I want to see? I want to see our leaders speaking loudly, consistently and boldly. I want to see them rallying the troops ( us ) to action. I guess I want to hear a battle cry, but not a cry for violence, but action.
Are our leaders afraid? I don't understand the silence. Where are the lay Catholics in the media and why aren't they saying anything? With only 30% of Catholics attending Church, and some of them not believing in the Real Presence or even living by the Church's teachings, how can they be so SILENT ?
So, besides being critical, I guess I am feeling angry as well. Today the Gospel was about Jesus getting angry in the temple and chasing out the vendors and buyers. Why aren't our church leaders doing the same? Like Jesus, I feel like I want to tip things over and chase people. Ha ha ha ha....the big difference here is that Jesus had the power to do that and I have absolutely no power at all except to pray (and that is something good).
Oh, how I wish the bishops would speak louder to our other church leaders and tell them to speak up and to keep speaking, and to pray and to keep praying, and to mobilize the sheep so we can make a change before it is too late.
Sigh.........IF I ONLY HAD A PULPIT !
Lord, I ask for patience, wisdom, discernment and to know your will. Why do you give me such passion for You and desire to speak out on Your behalf and no place to speak except this dot in cyberspace?