On March 23rd I went to one of the nationwide rallies standing up for Religious Freedom. I took the day off from work to go. I'm not a very political person, but I am a spiritual person and so I am worried about the direction our country is going and how Obama is trying to take away our religious freedom.
The rally was really interesting. I met people from all across my state who came to stand up for the Church. Most of the people there were Catholics but there were others who were from other christian denominations. There were about 25 seminarians and some priests, as well as a few school buses of Catholic school children / teens.
Someone gave me a "Stand Up for Religious Freedom" sign and that was my mission for the rally! I stood at the curb near the intersection, amongst the other people, and held up my sign and waved to the people in cars driving by. It was at an intersection so some of the cars had a chance to stop and see what the rally was about. There were quite a few people who honked in agreement with us. There were some Obama fans. One car drove by and yelled "O-bam-a" over and over, while another lady drove by and yelled "Obama is dangerous!". We got a variety of thumbs up and thumbs down too. Lots of honking cars though.
Because I was so busy "working the curb" with my sign, I didn't hear the talks, but that was okay. We each had a role to play. There were some news people there and I did see the rallies mentioned on one TV station with some video. I was hoping for more though.
I can't understand why perfectly intelligent people think what Obama is doing is right and good for our country, and that is not a political statement. I mean, if someone really looks at what he is doing, it is plainly anti-Catholic and anti-religion. He is the most pro-death president we have had. He thinks partial birth abortion should be allowed. A few days after becoming president, on the heals of the March for Life in DC, he signed a bill allowing MY tax dollars to be used to fund abortions in other countries. He has no idea how dangerous contraception is for women.
Well, I did my small part and I prayed, and will continue to pray. One thing I know: our country is heading into, and we are already there, a time of persecution on all fronts, and religion is one of them. Our country has lost its morality and focus on virtues, goodness, and God. We are creating a big problem for ourselves in the future, but the people who are supposed to be intelligent like Obama, Peliosi, and Biden, the latter two supposedly are Catholics, aren't really smart at all. I don't know if it is just stupidity, ignorance, or arrogance, but to me, it is blatantly diabolical.
More than ever, we have to pray. We have to be with Jesus. We have to listen to Him, read the Bible, go to Mass, read good spiritual things like the lives of the saints. We need to pray the rosary. Why? Because the times that are coming will be quite dark and we have to focus on being lights to the world.
I'm standing up for Religious Freedom, and lots of other good things too. Lucky for me, I know the end - Jesus wins, but it is the "in between" that can be nerve wracking.