Today I had the surpreme privilege of ministering to the suffering Christ in the form of a 12 year old boy.
Jesus said "whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers you do to me."
Jesus said to love others.
Jesus said whenever we receive a child, we receive Him.
Jesus said to let the children come to Him.
Hopefully I did all of the above today.
A boy I work with was very distraught. Life has thrown him so much pain. His family is upside down. His heart is breaking. He has been brave for a very very long time. He is finally in a place safe enough where he can start letting his guard down.
Today he had a major meltdown. He ran into his room and hid under his covers, sobbing so hard that I swear I could hear his heart cracking in two. For a while he just sobbed. Then he started to repeat over and over "stupid" "stupid" and other derogatory words. He was speaking about himself. From the depths of his being he cried out that he wished he had never been born, and that he beleived everyone hated him. His whole body was shaking. His future is uncertain and he is incredibly afraid.
I offered reasurance for quite some time. I just sat in silence with him for a while too because he didn't want me to leave him alone. I did most of the talking for a while too. Then I asked him if he believed in God and he shook his head yes. I spoke to him about God's love for him and how God was available 24/7 and I encouraged him to talk to God about his needs - non-material needs that is. I could tell he was listening because he stopped shaking and crying and became quiet and still.
After 45 minutes or so he was up and about but looked exhausted and drained. And he was. He remained quiet. If you are reading this blog, please pray for him tonight. Pray that at this very moment I am typing these words (about 10 PM) that he is either sleeping soundly or talking to God.
Today I saw the suffering Christ in this boy who was so broken by the world. I hope he will soon experience a resurrection of sorts in his own little life. I'm also glad that I was there with him and pray that I helped him in some small way, if even to give encouragement, comfort, and a little hope.
As much as I saw the suffering Christ in him, I hope he experienced Christ in me - that I was the hands, feet, and heart of Christ to his own soul.
May all the children of the world sleep in peace tonight.