"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

May 20, 2010

Dealing with the Dirt

It is amazing how we can get theological lessons from every day practical things.

Today I had a load of Top soil delivered. There is A LOT of top soil in my yard. So much that it overwhelmed me. I pictured about half of the amount but received so much more!

So now I have to deal with the dirt.

I have to find places in my yard to put it, and I will. I already worked an hour on doing that earlier this evening. But for the next week or so, each day I will have to deal with the dirt, until it is all put away and the yard looks nice.

This gets me thinking about SIN - the dirt on our souls. We have to deal with the dirt of sin on a daily basis.

I am thankful for my wheelbarrel because it makes it easier to get rid of the dirt and put it where it belongs. I am thankful for the Sacrament of Reconciliation because it is my wheelbarrel for sin - it helps me get rid of it and put it where it belongs.

That is all I wanted to say tonight.