Have you ever seen that bumper sticker that reads "Life is Hard, then you die." ? Well, typically I don't like it because it implies that all life is made of is hard work. But ya know..........
Some days are very hard and sometimes I wish for Heaven to come at this very second. Do you ever get tired of working so hard and having hardly anytime at all for fun or relaxation ?
I've been working really hard lately in many areas of my life and that includes manual labor and I am one tired cookie tonight. Everything aches and it seems like the work is never ending.
So tonight I am thinking of sweet Heaven - no work, no aches, no conflicts, no anxiety, no calories, no sickness, no trials of any kind. Just heavenly bliss and hanging out with everyone I know, Jesus, the angels, the saints...Ahhhh..... can't ya just see it now ? Wait..... is that a light at the end of the tunnel I see at this very moment ????? Nope. Just a car coming down the road with its lights on. LOL!
I don't know about you, but I long for peace. I don't mind hard work, but sometimes there is no balance and work is all there is. A year and a half ago I had major surgery and I could't work. I could only lay around and heal. No work. But that was no fun because for one, I was feeling lousy, and for two, I didn't have the strength to do anything fun. At that point I wanted to be able to get up and work. Today, so many months later, I am able to do a lot of things and I am grateful. I'm just tired!
I think one reason Jesus told us about Heaven and a mansion is because He knew we needed to hang on to that image when the going got rough down here on earth. Last week as a matter of fact, I cried out to Jesus and said "Can ya cut me a little slack down here? Just a little peace, relaxation, fun, and friends for a while?"
I don't mean to complain. Ok. Yes I do. But its my blog and I can complain from time to time. But I am also rejoicing in the reality that Heaven does exist. And someday, God willing, I will be there. I will probably have to spend a couple of thousand years in Purgatory first, but I think I am a good enough person to eventually make it into Heaven.
Do you know that scripture verse that says "Work out your salvation in fear and trembling"? Well, I've got that one down! Now I just have to hold on to the prayer from Mass that says "Protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ."
I tell ya what. I'll pray for you, and you pray for me, okay ? Deal? Deal.