Someone once told me that the Catholic Church is never empty...that even though the church is not full of people at every Mass, the angels make up the difference in the pews. Ever since I heard that I often think of the myriads of angels that are at Mass with us. When there is nobody next to me in the pew, which is often, I will think how there are angels on either side of me, singing their little angelic wings off. Isn't that cool?
There are people who know a lot about angels. I know some things about angels. I've read a few books about them. I've contemplated angels. I've talked to my guardian angel. My guardian angel's name is Matthew.
How do I know my guardian angel's name is Mathew ? Well, many years ago I was just starting to question the existence of angels and was doing some research. I desperately wanted to know if my guardian angel had a name. Someone told me that I should just give my angel a name and be done with it. Well I just figured that my guardian angel must already have a name and was named by God, so I didn't want to come up with a made up name.
So, perhaps this is going to sound crazy to anyone reading this, but this is what I did. I started praying and asking God to tell me the name of my guardian angel. I prayed for a good two years at least. I didn't give up. One night I had a "God dream".
In the dream I found myself on a beach at night. Perfect temperature. Stars were out in the dark sky. Jesus was standing face to face with me. He was incredible! He told me that he had to leave to go and do something. I asked him, "Lord, if you go, who will take care of me?" Jesus said " Mathew will." I asked "Who is Matthew?" Jesus looked beyond me to the right and nodded towards someone. I turned and looked. On a rocky jetty, sat this magnificient angel. He was seated, with his arms around his knees, all in white, and his wings moved ever so slowly. Despite the darkness, he was bright. He turned to look back at Jesus, nodded in reply, and then looked at me and nodded too. Then I realized right there in my dream: MATTHEW is my guardian angel's name! I turned around quickly to thank Jesus for the answer to my prayers and Jesus had already left to do whatever he had to do. I looked back towards Matthew and as I did, I woke up. The dream was over. Ever since that dream, I know Mathew is my angel's name!
So anyway, Angels are anothe reason why I love my Catholic faith. Again, we have the "fullness of Truth" and angels are part of that Truth. Tonight I thank, and celebrate, the angels, especially Matthew. Another Angel I am close to is St. Michael. I love St. Michael. The way I see it, I have three body guards with me at all times: Jesus, St. Michael, and Matthew.
I will end by saying this: Don't ignore God's angels. Ask them to pray for you and to be with you and those you love. Don't be afraid to ASK THE ANGELS. God uses them as His messengers all the time and they are real.