"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Apr 3, 2010

The Last Night...

Tonight is the last night of the triduum. Sigh......Holy Week is my favorite week of the entire year. In just a half hour or so I will be at my little Catholic church down the road enjoying a fantastic Easter Vigil. I love this "high church" stuff (in english, not latin). I love everything about tonight. I hope this vigil lasts a long time so I can savor each moment.

I LOVE BEING CATHOLIC! I am so excited for the people entering the church around the world this night. Thank you Jesus for going through all that you did for me. I can never ever repay you, but I will try to do my best for you while I'm puttsing around on this earth.

Happy Easter Vigil Everyone !