"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Apr 16, 2010

Despite the Weeds and the Wheat.....

In today's world we definitely have the weeds living among the wheat. The weeds are growing large in the sunlight. They are taking over the wheat in many areas. The world looks ugly due to the wheat. But in Matthew 13:30 Jesus said "Let both (weeds and wheat) grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.'"

What I've noticed in the last ten years or so is how the weeds have also grown rampant in some areas of the church, as well as the world. I love the church with my whole heart, but I would be a fool if I didn't notice this. Despite these weeds that are growing rampant, the Holy Spirit is still in charge.

I am comforted by the quote I mentioned in paragraph one because the weeds will be dealt with at the final harvest by Jesus Christ Himself.

Until then we followers of Jesus need to pray for the strength and the courage to be protected by the weeds who are out to destroy us. Some of the weeds are in our very own parish communities and by the grace of God we have to pray for them, confront them when necessary, and avoid them at all costs. That is my opinion anyway.

Sadly, today I did not see the weeds coming and they pounced on me in a surprise attack of sorts. I was left blind sided and dazed. I spent nearly a whole day in tears.

May the Wheat grow tall and firm and strong. May the Wheat sway in the wind with confidence. May it prosper and glow in God's Sonlight (not a typo). May the Weeds realize their fate and have a conversion experience. This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.