"Protect us from all anxiety as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ".
I think I've remembered that line from the Mass correctly. This is often one of my favorite prayers in the Mass. It amazes me how God knew we would have to be protected from anxiety.
I have had a very anxious week or so. My stomach has been in knots. My mind has felt like a cob web filled with anxiety. My sleep has been restless. My only glue has been Mass and personal prayer.
We have a lot to be anxious about in our world, don't we? I wonder how people even begin to cope with anxiety if they don't have a relationship with Jesus? I would disentegrate into nothingness without Jesus.
It is hard to wait in "joyful hope" when feeling anxious. I will have to meditate on that in particular. But, maybe I'm not understanding it correctly. Again, I will have to think on it.
Jesus, please protect us from anxiety. East the pounding of our hearts. Help us see with the eyes of faith and trust you with all our being. Amen.