It is so amazing to me how Jesus hears every little prayer. How does He do that? How does He hear our every thought, every prayer, every sigh of frustration, and every cry of pain or joy that every single human being on the planet makes? What is even more amazing to me is how He answers our prayers. Sure, sometimes he says "no" or "wait", but it is totally spectacular when the answer is "yes" and the prayer is granted within seconds, or even instantly. That's what happened to me today.
I prayed a prayer this morning. There was something that I needed today that I couldn't get on my own. It wasn't life or death or anything, but it was important to me. Before I got out of bed, I said my morning prayers, and at the end of my prayer time, I let Jesus know of this particular need. I told Him that I didn't want to bother anybody to do this particular task for me, so I asked Him to please send me someone. Somebody who would offer instead of me having to ask and bother them. About 15 minutes later I got up, started my water for tea, and then turned on my computer. I opened my e-mail and this is what it read: "How are you doing? Do you need anything today?". I looked at the time that the e-mail was sent, and this person sent it to me at the exact time I was having my prayer time. How cool is that ? This person doesn't even know me that well, but sensed that she had to ask if I needed something. So, I wrote back and let her know that I did need something and what it was, and she said "no problem" and gave me a time today that she could do this for me. You can bet that I let her know she was an answer to my prayer!
So you would think that this is one of those ordinary ways that Jesus touches our lives because He used a regular person to fulfill a regular task for someone else. But is it really ordinary? I mean, Jesus heard my prayer and at the very same instant He heard my prayer, He inspired someone to send me an e-mail asking me what I needed.
To me, there is nothing ordinary about Jesus, our Prince of Peace, Savior of the entire world, and how He works in our lives. He may use ordinary things and people, but His attention to detail, timing, and sometimes special effects, makes how He helps and reveals Himself to us quite extraordinary indeed.
He took the time to help an insignificant creature like me with a small, but necessary, thing. St. Therese tried to do small things with great love. I guess she learned that directly from Jesus.