I think it is interesting to note how people in our society are rewarded for working really hard at some things that are ultimately meaningless - landing a big account at work, chasing a little football around and winning the Superbowl, compiling computer data for some political survey, acting in a multi million dollar movie and getting to take home a little gold statue of some faceless dude named Oscar, etc..but yet if an individual starts working really hard and accomplishing great strides and growth in their faith life, then are all of a sudden they find themselves questioned or critized; not applauded and rewarded.
Some of you know what I mean. You start making changes in your life like going to Mass more often, reading the Bible, reading other faith based books, and people around you can deal with it because your faith is still largely private. But then, Heaven forbid, you start actually letting those changes make a difference in your life. You stop going to movies that are offensive to God. You stop some bad habits, or stop telling jokes you shouldn't tell. You start treating people better and then the ultimate...you start sharing your faith in conversations and talking about how special Jesus is to you and then the ultra ultimate - you start talking about the Eucharist. Then you start going on a retreat or two, and start getting involved in your parish. Then you start "embarrassing" people by saying Grace when you go out to eat, complete with the sign of the cross!
When you are at that point, some friends will walk away. Some family members will walk away. You are not being pushy, but you are just "being you" or the "new" you. People may start pulling you aside and suggesting that perhaps you "tone it down" a bit, even though you aren't shoving your faith in anyone's face, you are just choosing to live and act a certain way in the world. You are trying to let your little light shine.
It has always intrigued me how most people will say they believe in some sort of a God, because that is acceptable, but when God actually impacts your life, then that becomes a problem.
It is becoming more and more counter cultural to actively live our christian faith today. Sometimes I want to get a big pulpit and shout out to all Catholics: DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE WHAT JESUS AND HIS CHURCH ARE ALL ABOUT AND IF YOU DO THEN WHY DON'T YOU LIVE IT OUT? WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?
I don't see why Catholics are so shy about their faith. It is the most wonderful faith! We are part of a way of being that Jesus Christ Himself started. He gave the keys to the Kingdom to Peter, the first pope, and He said He would build His Church upon him. And then He went ahead and did it! Over 2000 years later and His church is still standing! ONE HOLY CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC FAITH. We have absolutely nothing to be ashamed or afraid of.
And yet, many Catholics still cower. You know, if I recall correctly it was Jesus who said that if we are ashamed of Him on earth His Father would be ashamed of us in Heaven. That seems to me to be a straight forward comment from the one and only Son of God.
How many Catholics are really comfortable living out their faith in public places....like bowing their heads at work and saying Grace before their lunch, having a Bible in their office that they actually read, coming to work on Ash Wednesday with a big gray cross proudly stamped on their foreheads or refusing to do certain activities on a Sunday because it is the Lord's day ? Is that too scary because someone just might see? ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT ?? TO LET THE PEOPLE SEE US LIVING OUR FAITH and being WITNESSES?
Okay, I feel better now that I've ranted a little. I just had to get that out. I'm like that sometimes.
But in all seriousness...we have to live our faith. One of my favorite sayings I heard along the way is that as Catholics "we don't impose our faith, but we don't apologize for it either". We don't have to be loud about it, as I was here. I know I am speaking to the choir for the most part on this blog anyway, but we have to live it.
Someday I'd rather hear the words "Well done my good and faithful servant" than "...and the Oscar goes to........"
...fade to commercial........