"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Mar 31, 2010

In the midst of Holy Week 2010

I love Holy Week!

Palms. Oils. Fire. Water. Cross. Eucharist. Feet Washing. Silence. Priesthood. Fasting. Veneration. Lillies. Candles. Incense. Community. Sorrow. Hope. Life. Victory.

These are the things that come to mind when I think of Holy Week.

Have you ever tried to enter into Holy Week as much as possible? Have you ever tried to enter into anything relating to our faith with your whole self? Have you ever done a very good examination of conscience before the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Have you ever tried to pay attention to every detail of the Mass? Have you ever tried to wake up each day and try your absolute 100% best for Jesus? What is that like?

This year I am trying to have a really good Holy Week. I've tried to enter into Lent as much as possible and am very psyched for this special week. Here we are on Wednesday already.

Have you ever noticed that when you try and give 100% of yourself to Jesus, the little creep downstairs tries to mess things up? He doesn't want us to get closer to Jesus so he tries to throw a wrench in our plans. This is what I feel has happened to me this Holy Week. Right from the "get go" on Palm Sunday morning things started to go wrong. It is now Wednesday night of Holy Week. He has been bugging me all week. It seems that whenever I take a step closer to Jesus that little creep is right at my heels. I am learning to recognize his annoying habits and ways and I am learning to rebuke them ever the more. Plus, a good attitude helps, and I am trying to be better with that too.

I know that with God's grace I will do well throughout the rest of this week. As much that has gone wrong, I can see more of God's blessings being poured out. After all, the "gates of hell will not prevail" against His church, and not against His people either (In my not always humble opinion) if we keep our eyes focused on Him like when Peter kept his eyes on Jesus when walking on water.

Speaking of walking on water....I have "day two" of water in my basement and I've gotta go take care of it. Another trial on the way to Easter!