Jesus is always with us. He is good at "being" with us. However, I think many people are not so good at "being" with Him.
How can we "be" with Jesus in our lives? Our crazy busy, technology influenced, "sounds-around-us-all-the-time" lives? This is what I want to talk about tonight on my little blogspot somewhere up here in cyberspace.
So many people hit the ground running the second their alarm clocks go off in the morning. TVs or radios get turned on. Microwaves and coffee pots bleep and blink as we race around to get ready for work or get the kids off to school. Then the workday is full of computer sounds, fax machines, people demanding that we do all sorts of tasks. Then lunch time is usually filled with sounds of people, sometimes just running to the closest fast food place to throw something we think is nutritious into our bodies, then it is back to work for more noise. You get what I'm saying is crazy out there!
It can be hard to carve out any quiet time for ourselves to be with Jesus, and that makes the little creep downstairs (a.k.a. the devil) very happy. He loves us to be super busy and to think we are out of control and have no time for quiet time with Jesus (the "still small voice" that is God).
That is when we have to meet the challenge and look at our schedule. After all, we say we love Jesus, don't we ? We say we are christians, don't we? We have to meet the obstacles in our world head on and we have to stand up and say "JESUS COMES FIRST" and then we have to use our God-given minds and come up with a plan to make it happen.
How to start out being with Jesus a little more each day:
Why don't you sit in your car during your work break and pray a rosary or read a little scripture?
Bring your bible or some spiritual book to work and read a little during your break.
Can't find a quiet place at work ? Try the bathroom !! Seriously !!
Once you master that, try and find a parish that is open where you can sit and pray, even if it is for 10 minutes. I'm very blessed because my adorable little Catholic Church is open a lot so I make good use of it.
The thing is, you have to make a plan, and then make a commitment.
Now, some of you might be afraid of the silence because your mind floods with all your worries and you think it is easier to keep busy so you don't have to think. Again, that is the little creep downstairs at work. Give all your worries and thoughts to Jesus in prayer. Ask Him to help you. He will give you grace in uncommon hours, as the saying goes.
Like anything, it may take practice. You can't just jump into having the spiritual depth of St. Theresa of Avila after a week. It takes self-discipline, commitment, surrender, focus, etc... However, just like going to the gym, once you get into the habit, it becomes second nature. Soon you will find yourself craving time with Jesus.
Now, the beauty of all of this is not only that you will receive graces and a stronger faith and relationship with Jesus, but if you are a parent, you have the opportunity to train your children in their youth to be with Jesus.
This is getting long, but this is what is on my mind tonight. In this crazy world it is very important that we make time for Jesus because He is the One who will give us the strength to deal with our super busy world.
Just think...while you are busy being with Jesus, you won't be spending money, arguing with anyone, saying anything offensive to anyone, bothering anyone, watching mindless TV, or fiddling with computer games.
And that my friends, is my little treatise on "being with Jesus".
Hope you enjoyed get off of your computer and GO BE WITH HIM ! :)