As Christians we know we are all sinners and all fall short of the glory of God. It is only through his grace and love that we have hope of salvation and in someday being with Him in Heaven.
It has been my experience that, at least for me, sin is born in two places: the mind and the heart. If we don't have control over both of those things, then we fall into sin. The mind and the heart are the biggest battlefields for the little creep downstairs ( a.k.a. that pee wee of a devil that thinks he is "all that" and more ).
It is very easy to fall into sin in today's world. There are temptations all around us. Our days are so busy that, unless we are diligent, it is easy to lose sight of keeping tabs on our spiritual life and any virtues we might have, or are trying to develop.
Sin is quick to enter in. It only takes a thought or a strong feeling about something to take hold of us and pull us down towards that abyss of darkness called sin. If we don't practice and pray for self-control our soul can get hit pretty hard.
One of the best things about Jesus' Church, our wonderful sacred and holy Catholic church is that we have been given things to help us fight the good fight against sin. Sadly, many people don't take advantage of these gifts, but some do.
We have to put on the whole armor of God just to walk out of the doors of our homes and enter the world. I'm not saying that as a scare tactic, but the world has gone downhill so fast, and sin and temptation abound, so we have to be vigilant. Just read scripture and God Himself will tell you so.
For me, I find the things that help me fight sin the most are going to Sunday Mass, going to daily Mass as often as I can, going to Confession, and serious prayer time. Even still, will all of this, it can be a struggle. I also think there is great power and benefit to praying the rosary and in praying the prayer of St. Michael.
Conquering sin is something we have to think about, because falling into sin is a slippery path. One sin can lead to another, and then another, and then an "I don't care" attitude can form and then it can get really messy.
I also think one other thing that helps to conquer sin is hanging around with good people who are also trying hard to be holy. Support from others helps.
Where would we be without Jesus ? If He didn't come and save us, we would surely be sunk for all eternity ! But, he gives us these great gifts through His most Holy Church. Gifts that are also tools that we can use each day.
Conquering sin is difficult. Very difficult. But it is something we can do because nothing is impossible with God, so let's continue to fight the good fight of faith. Let's rise each day and trust that Jesus is with us and let's keep the desire we have to be holy foremost in our minds.
That is my opinion anyway. Have a blessed night.