"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Mar 6, 2010

God's music box

All I want to share with the world tonight is that I like to sit in my little Catholic Church in the quiet. Correction: I LOVE to sit there. Usually I go after work, late in the day when it is dark or getting dark, at least this time of year. Many times I am the only one there and it is so incredibly peaceful. My church is so pretty inside. When the bells ring, it is just like sitting inside of a giant music box. I imagine God lifting off the roof and looking to see who is there. I imagine the church full of angels, praying with me.

You would think that I've been going to this parish forever, the way I seem so connected to it. But I've only been there a few years. Before that it had been a long time since I had a special prayer place. I'd move around from place to place and that was nice, but there is nothing like having one special place, one special corner of the world, to regularly meet with Jesus.

When it is a windy day, I can hear the church windows rattle and hear the wind howling against the church and it almost sounds like the gates of hell banging on the church. But I am peaceful and fine in my little spot in front of the tabernacle. The best place in the universe if you ask me.

One night I went to the church at my usual time, and it looked dark and locked, but I tried the door anyway because I really wanted to pray. It had been a rough day at my J.O.B.. It was open! HOORAY ! So I went in and the entire church was dark. Someone forgot to leave the lights on. I almost left when I saw how dark it was, but then I just went in slowly. With the soft illumination of the candles, my eyes got used to the dark so I moved carefully and found my pew. Nobody else was there. Talk about PEACEFUL!

I hope you find a special place to pray in your area, wherever you live. It is so important to have a special prayer place where you and Jesus can meet and chat, like two friends connecting for coffee or tea after work.

Anyway, nothing major to talk about tonight. I just wanted to share this with the world and encourage you to find your own prayer place.