"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Feb 26, 2010

Why the Third Pew?

Welcome to my little blog spot.

My goal for this blog is a simple one: to share my thoughts and feelings about Jesus, my beloved Catholic Church, and thoughts about life, with the entire world. I hope that some of my words make a small difference in someone's life and that they will help someone else's faith grow, even if it is just a little. I am not a profound person, but I do have the occasional profound thought...so stay tuned....you never know when something really good will pop out of my mind and onto this little blog spot!

I am not looking for a blog following or anything like that. "I" am not important here. The essence of what is written here is what is important and the Holy Spirit will move freely. I am just a small someone who, like you, is trying to figure out her unique purpose on this earth.

"Why the Third Pew"? Well, I sit in the third pew in front of the tabernacle in my little Catholic church. That is where I spend time with Jesus. That is where I think and pray. That is my most peaceful spot on the planet.

I will end my first blog with this advice:
Spend time in church with Jesus. Stop. Listen. Just "be" in His presence.