"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jul 23, 2012

A little Luxury please.....

I am overall a "plain and simple" person. I live very thriftily. I work hard. I have worked hard my whole life and usually have worked more than one job at a time - sometimes even three jobs with tiny odd jobs on the side.  Still, I cannot get ahead financially. Just when I think I am doing okay, I get blindsided with something.

So my prayer, selfish as it is, is to have just a little Luxury in my life. I'm not necessarily talking expensive things, but things that might help me feel a little better and give me some joy or help me feel like I belong somewhere.  A little Luxury for me could be simple things such as being greeted in a really friendly way by a sales clerk, or someone at church taking the time to introduce themselves or smile when they walk by me (sadly, this hardly ever happens at church. I am quite invisible there.), or a little Luxury could be getting to relax a half hour in my hammock.

Of course, it would be cool to have a little bigger Luxury thing like getting to stay in a really fancy Disney Hotel. I wouldn't scoff at something like that!  Then again, I would like to be able to hire someone to finish fixing my house so I can finally get some furniture like a rug, chair and a couch or maybe finish my kitchen so I could actually put things in the cabinets.

The biggest Luxury of all, and the one that would mean the most, is feeling some consolation from the Holy Spirit....to feel God really really close to me so I can feel secure and loved and like the future will be okay.