"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jun 8, 2013

Simplicity of Mind and Heart

Our world is getting way too complicated for me. All this high tech stuff drives me crazy. This blog is about as high tech as I get. People "encourage" me to get a cell phone that does more than just make phone calls or to get the latest gadget or to download apps and stuff. I've never downloaded an app and I have no desire to do so.

I understand that technology can help a lot. It has certainly helped spread the Gospel around the world. I mean, just this little blog alone has been read by people across the globe. So I'm not anti-technology. I just think it shouldn't run our lives and that we should have time for other things.

Technology can also be a vehicle for the devil - you know that little twerp down below.  He gets us so wrapped up in it that some of us have forgotten the finer things in life like an evening stroll with a friend and conversing about God and all things holy, or the twitter ( non technology word ) of birds, or the sound of a gentle breeze (I'm encountering one of those breezes now....). Or how about this.....even the sound of one's own thoughts?

I just heard on the radio of a study that was just done that showed how Americans' IQs have gone down since the advent of technology because we rely so heavily on it.  When tested without the aid of technology we are getting dumber.  They used the skill of map reading as an example. Lots of people have a GPS in their cars and have no more need of a map. I don't trust those GPSs. I have to use one for work once in a while and it makes me crazy. I purposely love to take a wrong turn just to hear the automated voice say "recalculating" !! LOL !!  Many times the GPS is wrong too. I do use mapquest on the computer and that is wrong sometimes too. So if I get lost I do the human thing: I stop and ask for directions!

So how does this tie into the title of this blog: "Simplicity of Mind and Heart"?  As Christians we are supposed to be singleminded towards God. Our world is so busy and technological that  we have to make a conscious effort to turn our minds towards God.  We also have to go beyond e-mails when communicating and focus on relationships in other ways.

Like St. Peter having to keep his eyes on Jesus lest he drown in the sea, we have to do the same except today the "sea" is technology. Like the saying goes: "Keep it Simple Stupid".  Jesus Himself said that we had to become like children and what are children like? They are simple and sweet and pure. They are honest and open and love unconditionally. Sadly once the world gets a hold of them that can change, but still we are called to center our lives around Christ and we must go forth in the world like "sheep among wolves" and we must be "as gentle as lambs but as wise as serpents".

I challenge all of you reading this today to think about how you can make your life more simple and your heart more focused on Jesus. I mean...do you really need to shop for four hours on a Saturday or have four TVs on in your house?  Do you have to constantly check your text messages ( I haven't done that yet either ) or take your cell phone when you go for a walk around the block?

Think about it. Pray about it. Thanks for reading my little blog.