"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jul 10, 2011

Beware: the wolf is in the fold

I believe that anyone who spends a good amount of time each day in prayer and reflection, especially in front of the Blessed Sacrament, must be becoming keenly aware that the wolf is in the sheep fold.

Even considering the horrid scandals that have attacked the dignity of God's Holy Church and harmed so many children, the wolf has still been doing a fairly good job of being unnoticed, but he is getting more bold. He is stepping up his attack and is starting to stalk certain sheep, and even going after the shepherds as well. Will there be more casualties? Will we have the discernment to know what to do to avoid further situations?

The answer is simple, although not easy. Here it is: We need to pray more, receive the Eucharist and Reconciliation more often. Seriously. We need to not only beef up the amount of time we pray, but out intensity of prayer has to increase as well. We need to keep alert and aware. We need to pray especially for discernment, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

We need to pray for our priests and bishops to be protected. We need to pray that the faithful will remain just that: faithful.

We need to be aware that the wolf is in the flock and we have to test to make sure that the person who is talking to us is of God and not of the enemy for the wolf is a master of disguises ( an angel of light ).

This is the sad reality of where we are right now. God will prevail. The gates of hell will not prevails against the church. The little weasel may try, but he will not win. He cannot win. We cannot give in. When in doubt we must wait and pray. In that way, we will experience discernment and hear our Good Shepherd's voice.

St. Michael the Archangel defend us in the battles that are before us. Amen.