"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

May 1, 2010

The Long and Winding Road

"The Long and Winding Road"....those are words from a song from the 1970's I think. Life is like a long and winding road. Sometimes there are road signs and sometimes there are not. As Christians we are called to keep our eyes on the sign of the Cross and when we do we are headed in the right direction.

Our goal is Heaven. Nobody gets into Heaven without being a saint. So either during this walk on the winding road of life we either become a saint or we don't. If we don't, then Purgatory is the next phase. Purgatory: A place that makes saints. Another destination might be Hell for some, but I don't wan to talk about that. I want to be hopeful that someday we will all be saints because the alternative is just too depressing.

This is what I know about Purgatory and sainthood. When we are on this earth there are many temptations and obstacles that try to block our vision of Heaven. Sometimes we take our eyes off of the goal of Heaven. But in Purgatory there are no obstacles. The people in purgatory have only one focus, and that is to get to Heaven. That is their only work. On earth we have so many distractions that pull our minds and hearts away from Jesus. But in purgatory there are no distractions. I believe that the people in Purgatory are passionate about wanting Heaven. Their pain is a joyful pain because they know the joy that will await them once they have fully worked out their salvation. HOw do I know this? Well to be honest, one day I was praying and this is what came into my mind. It made sense at the time, and still does.

I think that the people who have gone before us and attained sainthood while still on earth must have been very focused people. They had the goal of Heaven before them and they tried to focus on it, and they did, at all costs. Look at Mother Theresa or Pope John Paul II. These are two people in our time. Look how they worked so hard for Jesus while they were here. They tried to be the best people they could possibly be. They were passionate, focused, prayerful, and humble. Oh how I wish I had those qualities in the quantities they had!

I don't think I will mind Purgatory because in the end it will get me to Heaven. I am pretty much thinking that it will have to be Purgatory for me after death because I just don't know if I have it in me to be a saint while I'm still on this earth. I am too much of a sinner. I make way too many mistakes. I mess up daily, despite my trying. I put my foot in my mouth frequently. I let my emotions get in the way. Yes, I have passion for Jesus and lots of it. But sometimes I lose focus. I am so far from sainthood that it isn't funny.

The great saints of our Church....what made them so incredibly focused and passionate? What made them so courageous ? I know....the Holy Spirit. But what made them so incredibly open to the Holy Spirit? I think if I can find the answer to that, then I will be able to be that open too, and that might have a shot at sainthood during this lifetime.

Scripture says "work out your salvation in fear and trembling". Well, I have the fear and trembling part down, but I don't know if it is the kind that brings about salvation, or if it is just anxiety, emotions, or cowardice.

This might be a good thing to ponder more often as I stroll down the long and winding road.