"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jul 10, 2010

The Catholic Way

I love being Catholic. I really do. I think being Catholic affects everything I do, or nearly everything.

My Catholic values and perspectives reflect in my life's choices. The teachings of the church guide my life. I love 99.9% of the Catholic Way of life. The only thing right now that I am struggling with, and hope to conquer someday, is the Latin Mass. I don't get it. But that is for another blog.

Tonight though, I am very pleased with the other 99.9% of Catholicism! Most of all of course, the Eucharist. Jesus remains so close to us in the Eucharist. Then we have all the heavenly angels and saints that help us. I bet sometimes we don't even know when we are getting some heavenly help by the angels and saints.

I am also grateful that God has given us holy priests to keep providing the Eucharist for us. We have to pray for our priests and for God to send us more.

I love the smell of incense. I love the sound of Church bells. I love all the colors in the liturgical year. I love the symbols of water, bread, wine, oil, etc.... I love the sacredness of the inside of a Catholic church. I love our rich history. I love the Bible. I love ordinary time and I love Holy Week. I love Lent. I love Advent but sometimes the secular Christmas stuff gets in the way of my being able to enjoy it as fully as I should. I love the rosary. I love the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and Mary. I love St. Michael and all the saints. I love all the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation. I have also had the grace of having the anointing of the sick as well.

I love sitting in the quiet of a church before the blessed Sacrament. I love the prayers we have. I just love all of it.

Pray for me regarding the Latin Mass though - that is a real struggle. I'm good to go with just about everything else though. So for me, I'll keep living the Catholic Way because I know it will take me to Heaven.