"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jul 27, 2010

Swimming through cement

Being a christian, especially a Catholic christian, in 2010 is like swimming through cement.

The secular world presses hard against those trying to be authentic christians. There are so many struggles. So many obstacles. It is truly like swimming through cement.

Today I am hearing more about God's grace. I think the Holy Spirit is presenting the topic of grace for me to take to my prayer and reflection time.

I can't do anything without God's grace. With God's grace I can do anything I am called to do.

What is He calling me to do? What does He want to equip me with to stand firm against the assaults against me? Am I hearing God's voice correctly? These are the questions I am thinking about lately.

I am swimming through cement, but thank God that Jesus is my life guard. He won't let me drown, and if need be, He will walk out onto the water to save me if I start to go under.

Come Holy Spirit. Teach me more about your grace.