"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Jul 1, 2010

The Thing About Prayer....

I think that the big secret to prayer is perseverance. We must not give up praying even if we feel like we don't want to, or can't get "into" it.

I think the thing about prayer is that we have to commit to prayer and make it part of our routine and then stick to it. Again, perseverance.

If we persevere in prayer, God will honor that we are trying. He will see our faith and that we are trying from the depths of our being, and He will bless us for our commitment to Him.

So I want to encourage everyone reading this to pick a time every day, even if it is 10 minutes, and make that your prayer time. Also choose a prayer place for yourself.

If you have a set place and time, then you have to "stock" the place like they stock rivers and lakes with fish. Stock your time with what you will need - a Bible, a prayer journal, a prayer book, etc...

If you have the place, the time, and the materials, all you will need to do is get yourself there! My favorite place is in front of the tabernacle - third pew in front of the Tabernacle - in my little Catholic Church. Lately I haven't been able to go there so my second choice is either a holy island not too far from where I live or my newly constructed, home made little chapel upstairs! The in-my-home chapel is really neat because I can go there even in the middle of the night and even in my pajamas! It is so peaceful. It isn't anything fancy, but it is very special.

So anyway, the thing about prayer is to do it and to not give up, have a place and a time and you are on your way! Jesus will do the rest!

Can I get an Amen to that?