"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Apr 22, 2010

Traveling with my posse

If you just took a quick look at me you wouldn't realize that I travel with a posse. I am not a V.I.P. I am not rich. I am not famous. I'm really not anybody special at all. But I still travel with a posse.

The dictionary says a "posse" is a temporary police force, except mine isn't temporary. I need my "peeps" 24/7 to keep me on the straight and narrow and to keep me protected. Still, despite their wonderful help, I still tend to get myself into jams because I don't always listen to their advice. You know that saying: "Do not lead me into temptation because I can find it for myself"? Well, that's me. Perhaps you can relate?

I have asked the angels and canonized saints in Heaven to keep very close to me, as well as a few close friends that have passed from this life ahead of me, and to protect me. I particularly like to enlist the help of Jesus (of course), Mary, St. Michael, Matthew my guardian angel, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Catherine of Sienna, St. Padre Pio, and John Paul II. There are others I invite along too, but it depends on the day. These are members of my posse.

This world is more and more being assaulted by evil. It is a challenge to be a good christian today because there is so much coming against us. So the way I figure it, we need to ask for some extra help from Heaven in order to make it through our days. Hence, I have a posse!

Now, I know plenty of people, good christian people as a matter of fact, that poo-poo talk about evil infiltrating the world and they just say it is superstition or a good excuse to not take responsibility for our own negative actions. But you know, even good people who love Jesus are still human beings and are still sinners. We still give in to temptation, make bad choices when we are angry, and all that sort of stuff. I don't believe we intend to do evil or cooperate with it, but that we can get disensitized, or fall into temptation, or just plain ol' don't think about what we are doing, or the consequences of our choices. So, the next thing we know is that evil has made an appearance and we are caught.

That brings me to one of my favorite Sacraments: the Sacrament of Reconciliation because this Sacrament is like having a giant black board eraser that wipes out our sins and puts us back on our spiritual feet. The only difference is that it isn't a black board eraser - it is our sweet savior, Jesus, who does the erasing. How can we ever thank Jesus enough for this Sacrament?

We are called to be saints and so we have to try our best to run from temptation and make amends when we've messed up. All I can say is that I think I wear my "peeps" out because it seems like they always have to rescue me from getting into some sort of trouble. I can wake up in the morning with the best intentions and then I run into trouble. My "peeps" have helped me out of so many situations or they intervene and I am reminded to make the right decision. I am grateful for their guidance.

If you don't have a posse, you should consider getting one.