"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Nov 16, 2010

Darkness and Lillies

I really do not like that it is getting dark so early in the day now. It really bothers me. I'm not ready for "hibernation mode" until spring. I have plenty to do inside, don't get me wrong, but the darkness is so....well....dark! LOL!

Christmas is six weeks away. The media and stores are all over it with ads and decorations. I'm not ready for that either. I especially don't like to hear Christmas music played in stores before Thanksgiving. The "holidays" are wierd for me because of their major emphasis on families and spending money, instead of on the birth of Christ and his goodness to us.

You know what has been going through my mind the last few days? The quotes from the Consider the Lillies passages from scripture. This is especially timely because I have some worries lately concerning some major house repairs - namely an entirely new chimney that is needed and that is very costly. I keep telling myself "at least I am healthy" and I have Jesus and those are the most important things, and then I remember what Jesus said about the lillies and the birds of the field and I feel better.

God will suffice. I'm hanging on to Him. He knows what I need and I am trying to trust. He has provided for me in the past and I'm sure things will work out this time.

I just wish it wouldn't get so dark so early in the day because sometimes it effects everything both inside and outside, if you know what I mean.