Thank God it is Friday. I am truly fried on "Frieday". Get it?
What a week at work. I am so drained. I feel very tired and empty. It is after 9 PM and I am just now preparing dinner - spaghetti. There has been so much pain at work and lots of pressure to do more than is humanly possible. We are all drained - my co-workers and I.
I went to a talk tonight at my parish on Mother Theresa. I connected with a lot of what she said. Even though I've never been to Calcutta, I've been to the Phillipines and have seen the poorest of the poor. In my work, right here in the USA, I've sat with dying people, I've tried to bring hope and healing. I've tried to be a witness with my actions. I've fed people, changed the diapers of adults, etc... So, like this woman, I have experienced a lot, always trying to bring Jesus into it too. However, I am certainly not as holy as this lady was who spoke, but I have met a few very holy people. Like her, I would like to write a book some day. (Correction: I've written a book (or two). I just would like it to be published.)
But for now I ask Mother Theresa to please pray for us and to bless this woman who came to speak to us.
I'm hungry. Gotta go eat my spaghetti and get some sleep.