"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Mar 26, 2010

Can you hand me my crutches please?

I've been hobbling around most of the week. Not on physical crutches, but on spiritual ones. It has been a tough week and I've needed to lean on my faith to get me through. Yes, at times my faith is a crutch .

Some people say that Christians use faith as a crutch, as if that is a bad thing. Well, of course we use our faith as a crutch! It is there to help us! Due to original sin we are wounded people in need of spiritual healing so why wouldn't we need spiritual crutches?

Going to Mass fills me with the Word of God and the Body and Blood of Jesus, my beloved Savior who gives me strength for the challenges in my days.

Praying the rosary helps me meditate on the life of Christ and has the Virgin Mary interceding for the needs I bring to prayer.

Sitting in Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament surrounds and fills me with God's grace to give me what I need once I walk out the doors of my little Catholic church.

Reading Scripture gives me encouragement, comfort, and advice after, or in the midst of, a rough day.

You get my drift, yes? I am very much in need of my faithful crutches. I am thankful for all the gifts the Catholic Church gives me that assist me on my faith journey.

I think that anyone who thinks they don't need spiritual crutches is not aware of their own woundedness and how much our Catholic faith can help them. This is what I think anyway.

So, can you hand me my crutches please for tomorrow is another day and I need His divine help?