"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Mar 2, 2010

Something Small for God

At the top of my blog I have a quote from St. Therese. Therese is my confirmation name after Therese of Lisieux. I was confirmed in the 5th grade and I picked Therese just because I liked the name. I was young, what did I know about picking a saint's name? It wasn't until years later that I started to read about her. Now after quite a few years, it makes sense that I picked her for my Confirmation name.

St. Therese tried to make a difference in little ways. I try to do that too. Like St. Therese, I know I have many faults but I know I'm called to try and do better, and to try and be better. Sometimes I mess up big time, but other times I do have my moments of being a real shining disciple.

I agree with her that we can all do something, however small, for God. Maybe this Lent we can think about some little things we can do to make a difference in the world in honor of our love for Jesus. It isn't always necessary that we announce that we are doing something specifically for God either. God knows. Wasn't it St. Francis who said "Speak the Gospel at all times, and if necessary, use words."? But sometimes when we do share a good deed it encourages others to do the same.

The way I see it is that we are all muddling through this life together. We are on this blue marble called Earth, spinning slowly around the sun, day after day after day. None of us is perfect. Doesn't it make sense to make life a little easier for each other than harder ? This is especially true when we realize that God's spirit runs through each soul. When helping others, we help Jesus. Read the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus talks about when we feed, clothe others, etc, that we are really ministering to Him.

It is hard though, isn't it? People get on our nerves. People can be rude and antagonistic towards us. Sometimes the people that are the cruelist to us are our family members. I am learning that even if the only thing I can do for someone is offer a little prayer for them, then that is something good. God will take care of the rest.

Perhaps you are on the other side of the world reading this (which I think is very cool), I want to challenge you to go out into your day tomorrow and do little things in the name of Jesus to help others. Here are some suggestions:

* Speak a kind word to as many people as you can.
* Give a card of encouragement.
* Make a quick phone call to say hi.
* Give someone a flower (even if you just draw one!)
* Say a prayer for every person you run into.
* Thank someone for how they have touched your life.
* Shovel your neighbor's driveway if it snows.
* Make some brownies for someone.
* If you are a kid, make your bed without your mom having to ask.
* Use good manners.
* Make your community cleaner - pick up some trash.
* Donate money or time to a charity.
* Adopt a pet from the local shelter.
* Pray a rosary for someone.
* It is the year of the priest - do something nice for a priest.
* Treat the person behind you in line to a donut.
* When you hear an ambulance, pray for whoever is in trouble.

If St. Therese can do little things for God, so can we.
It just takes a little heart and a little faith.