"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Mar 30, 2010

Glory and Majesty

Today I am totally excited about the glory and majesty of my wonderful Catholic faith. Today I had the opportunity to attend our Holy Week's Chrism Mass at my diocesan Cathedral. Everything was so spectacular! Everyone who attended wanted to be there so everyone fully participated. When we said "Amen", it was a strong "Amen". When we sang, everyone tried their best. We had, I think, every priest in our diocese there, plus deacons, and our bishop. It was so neat to hear the priests renew their vows. The bishop gave a good homily. The Mass was long, perhaps two hours in length, but I didn't mind. I loved every blessed second of it.

Outside the weather was horrific with rains and flooding in the streets, but I was safe with dozens of priests, Jesus and all the angels, and "my people". I guess you could say I was in my "zone". The world could have ended at that very moment and I would have been as happy as a clam.

The Church Jesus founded is full of so much glory and majesty, and the people who provided this Mass experience for us today put great care into every detail. I am very grateful for that. THANK YOU JESUS! I LOVE HOLY WEEK!