"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Oct 20, 2010

More than I think I am?

Today somebody challenged me to realize that I am more than I think I am.

I have to take that line and reflect on it through the eyes of my faith.

Who do I think I am? In faith,I am a child of the Almighty God. In practice, I realize that I am a terrible sinner who is a child of the Almighty God, who is in need of healing.

Is it even important for me to think about who I am? I suppose so, but only in so much as this thinking will ultimately help me see who I am in Christ. If the focus is on me in a self-centered way, that is not good.

What does it mean to "realize" ? To become aware....to know.....to see the truth....I think that changes day by day. It depends on my level of sinfulness on any given day, but should it? Shouldn't it be a constant thing? I shouldn't let my emotions determine who I should "realize" I am.

I am challenged. ( ha ha ha ) Everyday I am challenged. The devil, our society, my own mind, attacks and challenges me each day, and I have to have the spiritual courage to rise to the challenge.

So tonight I am challenging myself to think about how I am truly more than I think I am on any given ordinary day. I am a child of God.

What does it mean to be a child of God? WOW. That will take me a lot of thinking, so much so that I will not write anymore tonight about it. I have to think on it in private.