"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Oct 4, 2010

Needing time...

Today I am wishing that I could have more prayer time. My schedule has been such that for the next 8 weeks or so I can't take my usual prayer time after work. I can take some time, but it is more brief a time period than I would like.

I know I can pray in the car and while I'm doing things, but the kind of prayer time I really have been into these last few years is just being before the Blessed Sacrament in my third pew from the tabernacle, or kneeling or sitting right in front of the tabernacle in my very quaint and very adorable Catholic church.

I'm already looking forward to Thanksgiving when I can give myself my own little mini-retreat. I will bring my prayer book, my journal, my Bible, my sketchpad, and get settled in for a good few hours of quiet time and conversation with the One and Only Prince of Peace Himself, Jesus Christ.

Until then I will have to deal with the snippets of time and maybe I will get a good few chunks of time in prayer. But this time of year it is difficult to have the certain amount of prayer time that I want. I'm sure Jesus understands. But I miss Him when I can't be in my favorite prayer spot.

Oh well, people may think I am strange, but I really don't care. People who like to pray will understand what I am talking about.

In the mean time, the days are getting colder and shorter, and my schedule is getting busier. I have to pace myself. Soon it will be Thanksgiving and then it will be oh so much better.

That is all I want to say tonight.