"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Aug 8, 2010

Fr. Gallagher's book

As I mentioned in one of my recent blogs, I'm reading a book called "Discernment of Spirits" by Fr. Gallagher, who was on a show on EWTN. I think it was the "Bookmark" show. Anyway, it is not exactly what you would think it is about from reading the title. It isn't about anything scary or diabolic per se. It is about our prayer life and our spiritual journey and how we have to learn to discern what is of God and what is not of God. It talks about the subtleties of the prayer life and how the Holy Spirit moves and how the evil spirit also tries to move. It is a really interesting book.

It talks about spiritual consolation and spiritual desolation. Very good and helpful stuff for people interested in deepening their prayer life.

I've been reading this book for over a year now....I keep losing the book. LOL! But luckily I keep finding it too. It is one of those books with rather small print and I have to read a line, then think about it, then read some more. I have to underline things too. Sometimes I bring it with me to my little Catholic church and read it before the Blessed Sacrament. When I don't understand something, I just ask Jesus!

There is another one of his books that I bought too, but its name escapes me at this moment. Anyway, if you get your hands on this book, it is a good read.

Just try not to lose it!

Have a blessed night.