"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Aug 5, 2010

Pew Pondering

I do a lot of thinking in the third pew in front of the Tabernacle. I know I can bring whatever is on my mind and in my heart to Jesus and He will guide me. Sometimes I try not to think. I try to just "be". That can be difficult. In years past I was very good at BE-ing with Jesus. But to be honest, it has been a few months since I've been able to enter into that sacred part of prayer. Lately I've been trying to get back to BE-ing.

So today I just sat in the quiet of my little Catholic church and tried to BE. After about 25 minutes or so it happened. I was BE-ing. Ahhhh..... I just sat in the quiet, knowing I was in the presence of the one and only Jesus Christ, and I did a decent job of not thinking of anything.

Soon, in my BE-ing I started to feel some peace. I really needed to feel peace today. The quiet around me was so thick and it felt like the angels were protecting me from distraction. Even though I was sitting in the pew I was as comfortable as being under a cozy quilt and it was a Heavenly rest. That wonderful experience lasted about 10 minutes or maybe a little less. Then my stomach reminded me that it was supper time and my BE-ing switched to thinking of what I would have to eat. Such are the trials of being human.

I can't wait to go back and perhaps I can be successfull with BE-ing again. We will have adoration tomorrow morning after Mass and I'm planning on staying for several minutes before I have to go to work. I pray God will grant me that peace in BE-ing once again.