"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be, and becoming that person."

St. Therese

Aug 20, 2010

Late summer thoughts on prayer

This evening I was walking a dog and thinking. I was thinking about prayer. I was thinking how prayer has two directions: inward and outward.

The inward direction is God pouring his grace and presence into us when we are open in prayer. It is the self-reflective direction where we take a good look at our souls and present it to God. It is the dialogue between us and Jesus.

The outward direction is what happens when we take that prayer time and reach out. It is the living out of our prayers. It is taking that grace and presence that God has given to us and sharing it with the world.

The two directions are sort of like the eb and flow of the ocean's tide: they work in tandem to create waves and movement in the water. So too does the eb and flow of prayer create waves in the world.

This is what I was thinking in between paying attention to the dog, giving her treats, looking at the sky, and participating in the early evening God gave me.

These are just my thoughts and I toss them out to the entire cyber world to think about. I should have been thinking of more practical things like my weekend grocery list and to do list, but that is where my mind went, so I followed it.