I think it was Abe Lincoln who said "The Lord must have loved ordinary people because he made so many of them."
I'm watching a show on TV now of violinist performing a concert. He is the center of attention. All the thousands of people in the audience came to see him.
Not many of us get the chance to be someone special in this world. Most of us just go through our lives without any notoriety or special attention. Maybe that is why some people get so excited just to have their face on the TV screen for a split second. Maybe it makes them feel like somebody special.
I supposed being treated so special can go to one's head. Maybe that is why celebrities who lose their fame can resort to drugs and alcohol because they have found their life's meaning in the spotlight and once the light is gone, perhaps they think they are not somebody anymore.
I wonder how many celebrities, or any popular person, are aware of the great gift they have in being somebody, and being loved, in the eyes of other people on the planet. I hear celebrities complain about not being able to go out in public and be anonymous because they are always recognized, all the while not realizing the fact that they should be thankful because people know who they are and love them.
Most of us anonymous people in the world will never know what it is like to be somebody special. There are blessings to being anonymous too I suppose, the most important being that someone can go anywhere and not be bothered if they don't want to be.
Then my mind moves to think about how Jesus still would have come to earth and died for even one small anonymous person. Jesus thought we were each a somebody and worth what He did to save us. In Jesus' mind each of us is that famous violinist and the center of His attention. No matter how small and useless the rest of the world might deem us to be, Jesus thinks otherwise.
I know that to be TRUTH, but personally I must say that I sometimes have a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that Jesus thought I was so important that I was worth dying for. I may never understand the depths of His love. I know myself and I know how often I mess up and how often I fall short of the glory of God. Yet, as Scripture says, "while we were still sinners" He came to us. I so appreciate the fact that Jesus loves me.
I hope someday to have an inkling of why he thinks I am so special for I do not deserve the Goodness of who He is, but I am so grateful because without His love and forgiveness I would be damned for all eternity.